All casket and urn orders received by noon EST are normally shipped out the same business day.
Rarely there is an unavoidable delay. In this case, you will be contacted through phone and/or e-mail and offered options. Be sure to give us a phone number where you can be reached.
Memorial items and books may be shipped separately. Most memorial items are shipped with the casket or urn. Larger items that do not fit in the same box will be shipped separately. If the memorial item or book is shipped separately, it will be shipped within 2-3 days.
Choose between guaranteed (Express) or non-guaranteed delivery date:
Guaranteed date delivery: Fed Ex Express
NOT guaranteed delivery: Fed Ex Ground
Unless you choose Fed Ex Express, your package will be shipped Fed Ex Ground.
Fed Ex Ground
(see map). Delivery date is NOT guaranteed, but usually gets there in
the time expected according to this map.

ground normal delivery but Not guaranteed
pink: 1 business day
turquoise: 2 business days
orange: 3 business days
green: 4 business days
light pink in green: 5 business days
Hawaii is 7 business days
e-mail heavensgain@heavensgain.com
phone (513)607-6083

UPS upon request only. Call for prices. These are usually comparable to Fed Ex.