Meet Our Team

Jim & Donna
Jim designed many of the urns, and still makes urns. Donna takes calls & is our Certified Baby Loss Family Advisor/ Baby Loss Doula. She is trained to help grieving families with non-medical issues. She helps design the urns and caskets. Donna manages our ministry, and fills orders as needed.

Kim has suffered five losses in the second trimester, and had the blessing of her rainbow baby. Kim is a peer group leader and also helps in our shipping and handling department when she's not taking calls or facilitating group support.

Crafts the interiors of the caskets, and has a wonderful eye for detail. She is very skilled, and we are so blessed to have her. She also can make many of our urns. She fills the orders, and occasionally answers the phone.

Our painter. Megan fills the gold paint in the leaf indents of the plastic casket tops, as well as other artistic needs.

Isabella is very conscientious as she fills orders. She does her very best and puts a lot of heart into her work.
Our Volunteers
We are blessed to have dedicated people who give of their time to help our mission operate smoothly. There are so many facets to our organization, and we are thankful for our team of volunteers, so much of their work is behind-the-scenes, but so very crucial!

Mary & Gayla

Graphic Artist / Brochure Design