Founders of Heaven's Gain. Jim has designed many of the urns, and still makes urns. Donna is usually the person who answers the phone. She is our Certified Baby Loss Family Advisor/ Baby Loss Doula, and is trained to help grieving families with non-medical issues. She helps design the urns and caskets. Donna manages our ministry, and fills orders as needed.
Crafts the interiors of the caskets, and has a wonderful eye for detail. She is very skilled, and we are so blessed to have her. She also can make many of our urns. She fills the orders, and occationally answers the phone.
Helps fill our orders three days a week. Kim has suffered five losses in the second trimester, and recently had her rainbow baby who just turned one and keeps her busy on her days off. Kim is a peer group leader, and carries the phone when Donna is unavailable. She is a great resource.
Our paint artist. She fills the gold paint in the leaf indents of the plastic casket tops, as well as other artistic jobs around here. She works once a week.
Fills in when we need extra help. Isabella is very conciencious, as she fills orders. She wants to do her very best. She is in training.
Our board consists of four volunteer members: Jim, Paula, Linda, and Mary Beth.
We have three part time assistants, Sherry, Emily, and Kim. They help us craft the interior of our caskets, fill orders, and so much more.
Donna, one of the founders is the full time manager. She works as a volunteer. She is our trained Baby Loss Doula/ Family Loss Advocate.
Donna answers the phones, advocates, peer counsels, orders supplies, manages the website and store, and much , much more.
Jim, one of the founders, makes urns, engineers ways to make our urns, keeps all machinery in order, and so much more as a volunteer.
Our bookkeeper’s name is Angela.
We have volunteers who sew: Mary and Gayla.
We have a volunteer IT consultant, Julian.
We have a volunteer editor/technical writer, Diana.
Volunteer graphic art brochure designer, Sarah
We welcome new volunteers.
*She does not give medical advice.
Phone: (513) 607-6083
Links to other Baby Loss Doulas
Links to other Baby Loss Doulas
Baby Loss Doulas are available in other areas of the USA. These are not Heaven's Gain Doulas.
Certified Family Loss Advisors and Baby Loss Doulas can be found at:
Loss Doulas® International
Stillbirthday Doulas can be found here
The best, most informed choices help enhance a loving encounter with your baby. These meaningful moments help create lasting memories that bring comfort over time.
A Heaven's Gain Baby Loss Family Advisor is much like a parent advocate, and can be available via phone, email, or in person to offer services with stillbirth assistance.
- Help prepare you and your family for the baby's birth
- Offer gentle support, guidance and reassurance
- Assist in creating a birth preference plan factoring in knowledge of pros and cons
- Aid in memory-making
- Determine and advocate for your wishes, and act as a liaison with the medical community
- Avail herself for advice before, during and after the birth of your baby
- Connect you with additional support resources
*Free will donations appreciated, though not necessary.